Saturday, May 12, 2018

Muscle Builders VS Mass Gainers

All you need to know about Gainers!!
 What Is A Mass Gainer?
A mass gainer is a supplement that provides protein, carbohydrates and possibly fats
With the intention of helping to add muscle mass. It is a high-calorie protein powder.
The more calorie intake more will be the gain. These mass gainers generally comes with proteins
and carbs in the  ratio of 1:4 or 1:5.These products has much more calories that helps in increasing
Muscle mass, muscle girth and restore extra carbs in the forms of glycogen. Although  prolong
Use of mass gainer might give person a bulky appearance, hence proper supplementation & expert guidance is needed in order to build proper aesthetics physique. To put on mass you need to be in a calorie surplus. This means you are consuming 300-500 calories more per day than you’re burning through exercise and just going through your daily routine.
If you have been trying to add mass and you’ve seen no increase in weight then you’re not in a calorie surplus. Without being in a surplus you’re not going to gain mass. It really is that simple. When trying to reach a calorie surplus it is important to consume the right quality of macronutrients. You may well have heard the phrase ‘dirty bulk’, which refers to eating whatever you want to achieve a calorie surplus. Consuming fried chicken may increase your calorie intake but it also comes with increased fat.

Let me put more light on; what is muscle builder?
These are one of the category of supplements that has proteins to carbs ratio of 1:2 or
1:3.generally delivers 350 calories per serving. Gym enthusiasts looking to build muscle
 and gain mass might choose muscle builder supplements. The combination of proteins may help
 give you a slight muscle-building edge and the extra calories can encourage anabolism & muscle
 growth.  Supplement manufacturers may also claim that their products help you recover faster and
burn fat. Unless you are undergoing a strict strength-training regimen, muscle builder supplements
 are probably unnecessary.

About the Author – Ravi A Yadav is a registered* pharmacist and a gym enthusiast. He is an expert in weight management and fat loss guidance. He has conducted various fitness workshops in well known institutions & gyms. * Registration Number :210683


Disclaimer: Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our statements and information have not necessarily been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client. Please treat this for Educational and Informational Purposes Only. 


When it comes to workout nutrition , it becomes quite confusing what should be taken pre-workout such that before workout so as to maintain the optimum energy level throughout the workout process .the choice of protein and carbohydrates and their quantity required in the pre and post- workout meals are targeted to serve two purposes.
1)  It should provide enough fuel that can enhance muscle performance during workout process.
2)  The one that helps in faster recovery
 Energy   system of a human body
Why there is need of pre-workout nutrition?
Muscle contraction during weight training or cardiovascular training requires energy. Muscle contracts due to actin and myosin protein filaments comes closer by sliding over each .This sliding of the actin and myosin protein filaments in the muscle needs energy .If a optimum level of energy deriving sources such as  carbs  and  protein is not up to the mark there is process called catabolism takes place that leads to breakdown of muscle hence pre-workout nutrition has an important role in muscle building process.
BMR stands for basal metabolic rate is an important phenomena that contributes in fat loss process and this is directly proportional to the fat loss such that as a basal metabolic rate increases the fat loss will be more hence exercise training with higher calorie- burn involves only 1-2 hours of the day , where as our body burns calorie for our BMR continuously 24 hours of the day.
Main characteristics of pre-weight training nutrition
1)    Carbohydrates sources 
 The main purpose of carbohydrate intake is to  increase glucose storage as muscle glycogen .In order to achieve this goal the carbohydrate should be slowly absorbed such that there is slow release of glucose into the bloodstream and the insulin diverts all the glucose into muscle glycogen. Whole cereals – Wheat chapati, dalia , oates , cereals serve as better pre-workout  carbohydrates than fruits before intense weight training ,it supply higher quantity of carbohydrates and energy with lesser amount of fibre .
Slow –absorbed fruits includes Apple, Orange, pear, guava, papaya
Apple takes too long to digest as it contains fructose and high fibre. Pre –weight training carbohydrate should never be fast absorbed and high fibre- food.
2)   Protein  sources
 The main purpose of pre workout protein source is to prevent muscle breakdown for amino acids .During an intense workout, amino acids such as the Branched chain amino acids BCAA are rapidly used for energy .supplying a best quality protein of high biological value and rich in BCAA will reduce breakdown of muscle protein for obtaining the same amino acids.
Slow absorbed first-class protein rich in BCAA is the ideal pre-workout protein
Few example skimmed milk paneer or casein, combination of egg white and yolk may be included. The protein source should never be heavy to digest and second class protein such as pulses, soya , nuts and other plant protein. Recommended quantity may be 20-30 grams of first class protein.

About the Author – Ravi A Yadav is a registered* pharmacist and a gym enthusiast. He is an expert in weight management and fat loss guidance. He has conducted various fitness workshops in well known institutions & gyms. * Registration Number awaited.

Disclaimer: Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our statements and information have not necessarily been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client. Please treat this for Educational and Informational Purposes Only. 

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

1)  What is alpha lipoic acid and how it is derived?
  Lipoic acid also known as α-lipoic acid and alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and thioctic acid is an organosulfur compound derived from octanoic acid. ALA is made in animals normally, and is essential for aerobic metabolism.Lipoic acid is present in almost all foods, but slightly more so in kidney, heart, liver, spinach, broccoli, and yeast extract. Naturally occurring lipoic acid is always covalently bound and not readily available from dietary sources. In addition, the amount of lipoic acid present in dietary sources is very low. For instance, the purification of lipoic acid to determine its structure used an estimated 10 tons of liver residue, which yielded 30 mg of lipoic acid. As a result, all lipoic acid available as a supplement is chemically synthesized.
2)   Mechanisms of action and its function
 Lipoic acid neutralizes free radicals and associated oxidative cellular damage.Lipoic acid scavenges several reactive oxygen species .Lipoic acid also helps regenerate antioxidant vitamins C and E.In addition, lipoic acid promotes the activity of other antioxidants such as glutathione and coenzyme Q10, which are two essential anti-aging health-promoting compounds .Lipoic acid increases tissue GSH levels, which otherwise decline with age, by restoring glutathione peroxidase activity.Even without dieting, lipoic acid can greatly improve glucose and fat metabolism. As a result, more of the sugars and fats in foods will be broken down and used for energy instead of being stored as fat. This will also cause the consumer to feel the need to eat less. lipoic acid supplementation can protect DNA and cells against exercise-induced oxidative stress , and increase muscle regeneration .Lipoic acid supplementation decreases oxidative damage in the muscles in men who perform muscle-damaging exercises, regardless of whether they are trained or untrained.Abnormal inflammatory responses contribute to diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Lipoic acid was shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect in subjects with multiple sclerosis, metabolic syndrome , and diabetes.Lipoic acid can reduce inflammatory markers in subjects with organ transplants.Lipoic acid alleviates acute inflammatory responses in animal models .In overweight/obese women, lipoic acid caused a greater reduction the marker of chronic inflammation CRP.In patients with type-2 diabetes, lipoic acid decreases blood glucose and improves insulin sensitivity.People with diabetes are more prone to oxidative stress, which means there is an imbalance of free radicals to antioxidants. Oxidative damage plays a key role in the development of diabetes-associated disorders and diseases.lipoic acid improved systolic blood pressure, dizziness, instability upon standing, leg edema and erectile improves blood vessels in teem of their elasticity thereby decreases the systolic blood pressure, and indirectly decreases the load on heart.In obese subjects with impaired glucose tolerance, It decreased free fatty acids, triglycerides, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol. Lipoic acid also decreased proinflammatory markers and increased adiponectin.It shows antithrombotic affect which inhibit formation of plaque in the artery which blocks the passage for blood flow this condtion is know as highly effective for cardiac health.Generally, you should supplement your diet with 200-400 mg per day.

3)Who can add this as a supplement in their diet?

 Those who are doing weight practises, fitness enthusiastic, marathon runner,geriatric population,and it is not less than so         called boon for diabetic person which helps to sensitise the insulin and help in maintaning the blood glucose level . In short in  it improves the all over helth of an speed up the return to normal pregnancy conditions and improve the    conditions of both the mother and the fetus.The dietary source provides inadequate amount of ALA,which is not proved to  be sufficient to elicit the pharmacological responses hence shoud be taken in already synthesized form, the product that are    available in HAP STORE are listed below

4) Product available with hap store
   1)   GNC Alpha Lipoic Acid
    2)  San ALA
    3)  Scitech Ala

About the Author – Ravi A Yadav is a registered* pharmacist and a gym enthusiast. He is an expert in weight management and fat loss guidance. He has conducted various fitness workshops in well known institutions & gyms. * Registration Number awaited.

Disclaimer: Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our statements and information have not necessarily been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client. Please treat this for Educational and Informational Purposes Only. 

Benefits of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are vitamins and minerals that protect our bodies from damage done by free radicals, these molecules attacks our body tissue ,muscle and result into retardation of muscle growth .An antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, leading to chain reactions that may damage cells. Hardcore workout generally tends to develop these highly reactive species in our body which ultimately affects the development, growth and recovery.
              Antioxidants are also used in anti-aging  formulation, most of cosmetics preparation that are claimed to be having  anti-aging formula are generally composed of various herbal antioxidants .As already discussed generation  of these free radical affects the tissue, By inhibiting them we can restore the skin cells ,tissue.
Common antioxidants include: vitamin A vitamin C vitamin E beta-carotene lycopene lutein selenium. You can get most of these antioxidants by eating a healthy diet. This includes a mix of colorful fruits and vegetables. Whole grains, seeds, and nuts also provide good nutrients. Vitamin A is in milk, butter, eggs, and liver. Vitamin C is in most fruits and vegetables. Eat fruits such as berries, oranges, kiwis, cantaloupes, and papayas. Eat vegetables such as broccoli, bell peppers, tomatoes, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale. Vitamin E is in some nuts and seeds. For example, almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, and peanuts. You can find it in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale. You also can find it in soybean, sunflower, corn, and canola oils. Beta-carotene is in brightly colored fruits and vegetables. Eat fruits such as peaches, apricots, papayas, mangoes, and cantaloupes. Eat vegetables such as carrots, peas, broccoli, squash, and sweet potatoes. It also is in some leafy green vegetables such as beet greens, spinach, and kale. Lycopene is in pink and red fruits and vegetables. This includes pink grapefruits, watermelon, apricots, and tomatoes. Lutein is in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, collards, and kale. You also can find it in broccoli, corn, peas, papayas, and oranges. Selenium is in pasta, bread, and grains, including corn, wheat, and rice. You can find it in animal products, like beef, fish, turkey, and chicken. You also can find it in nuts, legumes, eggs, and cheese.
             Various products are rich in antioxidants .they are listed as below. For trade inquiries please feel free to contact us.

About the Author – Ravi A Yadav is a registered* pharmacist and a gym enthusiast. He is an expert in weight management and fat loss guidance. He has conducted various fitness workshops in well known institutions & gyms.
* Registration Number awaited.

Disclaimer: Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our statements and information have not necessarily been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client. Please treat this for Educational and Informational Purposes Only. 


Nitric oxide is a big deal . and what you are particularly interested in: vasodilation.
This vasodilation coincides with skin-tearing pumps, incredible nutrient delivery, reduced pressure and stress on your heart, and even plays a positive role in growth hormone production. All thanks to a little oxygen atom double bonded to a nitrogen atom forming a molecule short of one election.
Athletes and Bodybuilders benefit from Boosted Nitric Oxide Levels
For the average person who does not workout, basal nitric oxide levels are fine. However, as an athlete if your nitric oxide levels are low then your workout
experience, results, and recovery is lagging. This does not mean that by default that you need to take a nitric oxide booster. There are many ways to influence nitric
oxide production in the body, especially for bodybuilders and athletes. Let’s take a look at how that works.
NO also helps against ED and plays an important role in preventing it.
What Nitric Oxide Does for Bodybuilders and Athletes
Nitric Oxide for BodybuildingNitric oxide and likewise Nitric Oxide Supplements increase vasodilation during exercise by relaxing the tissues that compose your veins.
This increases the total output of nutritious oxygen rich blood flowing through your veins as well as reduces pressure on your heart.
Long term nitric oxide production stimulated by exercise contributes to the remodeling of your veins. This results in larger veins for an increased blood flow effect;
hence why you see such large veins on professional bodybuilders. Its not a case of them having absolutely insane nitric oxide pump at that moment, but rather long term
vein expansion.
Nitric Oxide Boosting Habits
Just like how the way you live influences testosterone production and metabolism, the way you live also influences your basal nitric oxide production. Aside from what
you eat, there are activities that promote nitric oxide production (nitric oxide synthase activity).
Exercise leads to increased nitric oxide production in athletes and bodybuilders. The exact mechanism behind this is too complicated to explain, but physical activity
effectively increases both nitric oxide synthase expression as well as nitric oxide synthase activation (Green et al, 2004). This is a two-fold increase or cascade
effect increase in nitric oxide.
Diets high in the amino acids L-Arginine and L-Citrulline naturally increase overall nitric oxide output. This up regulation is strictly a concentration dependent
increase in enzyme activity. Meaning, more Arginine is available to be used in the production of nitric oxide.
Nitric Oxide Supplements for Bodybuilding
L arginine
No xplode
Bull nox

About the 
Author - Sagar Salunke is a Boxer and a certified Yogi and a trainer. He is an expert in weight management and fat loss guidance.He has conducted various fitness workshop.

Disclaimer: Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our statements and information have not necessarily been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client. Please treat this for Educational and Informational Purposes Only. 

Benefits of fish oil

Fish oil will never disappoint health conscious folks. Not only is it loaded with essential fatty acids that benefit heart health, it also improves mental disorders like depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Good sources of fish oil are mackerel, sardines, swordfish, oysters, salmon, and tunas.
1-Cancer prevention Fish oil has proved effective against three common forms of cancer - breast, colon and prostate.
2-Normalize cholesterol One of the main benefits of fish oil is that it helps in regulating cholesterol levels. The presence of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DPA (docosahexaenoic acid) found in most high quality fish oil supplements helps in regulating cholesterol.
3-Treatment of arthritis Fish oil helps in treating arthritis. Prolonged use of the oil can be effective in reducing and preventing arthritis pain. The relief, will not be immediate, and may take days, weeks or even months to show results.
4-Eye health Omega-3 offers protection against macular degeneration (AMD) of the eye and also reduces the risk of dry eye syndrome.
5-Mental disorders Fish oil helps in reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and schizophrenia.
6-Skin and hair health Omega 3 helps lock moisture into skin cells, produces collagen, alleviates skin blemishes, and gives one a youthful look. The protein content in fish oil helps in hair growth and maintaining strong, healthy hair.
7-High blood pressure Omega-3 possesses anti inflammation and anti-coagulant properties, which help in lowering blood pressure. Blood is pushed more proficiently throughout the body hence there is less pressure exerted on the heart.
8-Nails Fish oil can also be used in cosmetic enhancement, as high intakes of fish oil can help improve the texture and quality of nails.
9-Health bones Omega-3s found in fish oil helps in regulating the balance of minerals in bone and surrounding tissue.
10-Protects against type 2 diabetes A study has found that fish oil can prevent inflammation in fat cells which can lead to insulin resistance and, ultimately, type 2 diabetes.

About the Author -
Sagar Salunke is a Boxer and a certified Yogi and a trainer. He is an expert in weight management and fat loss guidance.He has conducted various fitness workshop


Disclaimer: Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our statements and information have not necessarily been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client. Please treat this for Educational and Informational Purposes Only. 

Winter Motivation

Chilly winter weather affects more than just your wardrobe and heating bill.Your body also experiences changes in energy levels,metabolism and even food preference
So how is everyone doing this time of the year, Cool breeze blowing and the perfect mood to skip gym and just lay in bed right..... jokes aside this is the most important time of the year and you can chisel out your physique during this time of the year.
But exercise and hard hitting the gym wont grow those big guns or those hulk like delts,you have to have a nice stable diet and perfect amount of sleep to achieve your aesthetic goals.
Lets see how the nutrition charts goes
Meal 1 - Upon waking up have a nice sip of green tea or have a green tea extract then after 5 mins have your protein shake with skimmed milk or water whichever you prefer
Meal 2 - after an hour of waking up have your energy source. Yes you guessed it right your Carbohydrates. have about 1 cup of oats with banana/strawberry/any fruit you like or you can have peanut butter and brown bread instead
Meal 3 - In you lunch menu keep it cool have some lean source of proteins with lots of veggies,you can have a chicken salad or a tuna salad and make sure you have one apple or an orange with it
Meal 4 - Before workout have your bcaa or you can have your banana and egg whites 1 hour prior to working out so you get your carbs and your aminos also consume black coffee or lipo6 caffeine pills it really gives you a big boost and sharp focus during workouts
Meal 5 - Right after your workourt have your protein bar or your post workout protein shake accompanied by a banana or an apple
Meal 6 - Have your eggs with chapati or have some dal with brown rice or you can have some salad
Meal 7 - **optional have a caesin shake or warm milk with turmeric 15 mins before you sleep to prevent your body from getting into catabolism
**Try to do cardio early morning on empty stomach to burn the fat.
**Try to have 2 cups of green tea and add herbs during winters to boost your immunity
**Its okay if you add ghee or butter to your food if you live in really cold places.
**Drink lots of water everyday and keep yourself hydrated.
In the next post we will discuss the various exercises we can do if we are not going to gym or a normal housewife can do
Keep your health @ priority










Disclaimer: Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our statements and information have not necessarily been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client. Please treat this for Educational and Informational Purposes Only. 

Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet (often termed keto) is a very low-carb, high-fat diet that shares similaritiy with low-carb diets. It involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake, and replacing it with fat. The reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. This diet helps to loose body fat and loose weight.
A ketogenic diet plan requires tracking the carb amounts in the foods eaten and reducing carbohydrate intake to about 20-60 grams per day.
The nutrient intake on a ketogenic diet typically works out to about 70-75% of calories from fat, 20-25% from protein, and 5-10% from carbohydrate on a daily basis when calories are not restricted.
What to eat during Keto Diet
*High Fat food like Ghee,Butter,Cheese,Mayonaise,etc.
*Proteins like Whole eggs,Fish,Chicken,Bacon,etc.
*dry fruits like nuts,almond,etc one can even go for natural peanut butter.
Exercising while on a Keto Diet-
Working out while on a Keto diet is the best way to shed off the extra fat as our body will use fats as a source o energy instead of carbs and one can achieve the goal to become shredded. However there will be a change in the workout pattern as instead of lifting heavy weights one should go for higher reps as our body cannot lift heavy as our body is deprived of carbs, during this time one can use BCAA as it helps the body retain muscle when we lack carbs as energy and we get an extra push during workouts
One might feel exhausted,irritated due to lack of carbs for few days during the keto diet and that is very common but make sure you have maximum 50gms carb prior to workout or post workout to have energy. Keep yourself well hydrated as the body wont hold water and it will cause dehydration.
If you follow Keto properly and strictly you will see the results within 3 days and you might loose upto 4lbs of weight in this period and many more to loose in the coming weeks
I would say to keep Keto diet for about 6-8 weeks then cycle with with normal diet as our body needs carbs and it is always better to change our metabolism.
Normal diet
KEto Diet
*by fats we mean healthy fats
Typical KEto Diet
Breakfast - eggs with isopure protein shake
Brunch - Chicken breast or fish with cheese and butter
Lunch - paneer and green leafy veggies
pre workout-Creatine 5gms and a banana
Intra workout- bcaa 5gms with water sip throughout the workout
post workout-half a banana with protein shake
dinner- lean meat (white meat ike fish or chicken breast) with spinach or salad
*all meat should be cooked in olive oil or coconut oil
*keep on snacking on fatty nuts like cashew,almonts,peanuts etc
*keep hydrated
Stay Healthy stay fit
keep your health @ priority .

Disclaimer: Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our statements and information have not necessarily been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client. Please treat this for Educational and Informational Purposes Only. 

Beauty of BCAA

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Of these, nine are considered essential. When a substance is said to be essential for the body it means without it you will die. Essential amino acids therefore are ones we cannot survive without.
Of the essential amino acids, three account for as much as 33% of muscle tissue – leucine, isoleucine, and valine.
Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) refers to three amino acids: Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine.
BCAA supplementation, for people with low dietary protein intake, can promote muscle protein synthesis and increase muscle growth over time. It can also be used to prevent fatigue in novice athletes.
Leucine plays an important role in muscle protein synthesis, while isoleucine induces glucose uptake into cells. Further research is needed to determine valine’s role in a BCAA supplement.
The benefit of BCAA
*catabolic Crisis- Dieting is catabolic, which means it can lead to muscle breakdown, for several reasons. The leaner a body gets, the more likely it is to lose muscle mass as the body tries harder and harder to hold onto body fat stores. In doing so, the body will turn to muscle to satisfy its energy needs. Bad news for anyone interested in a hard body.
The basic equation for muscle mass is: Muscle mass = rate of protein synthesis - rate of protein breakdown.
When the rate of synthesis equals the rate of breakdown, you don't gain or lose muscle. If the rate of synthesis exceeds the rate of breakdown, you gain muscle. When the rate of breakdown exceeds the rate of synthesis, you lose muscle. If you're dieting, you may be burning the candle at both ends: elevating muscle breakdown and reducing protein synthesis.
It's well established that branched-chain amino acids (particularly leucine) stimulate protein synthesis, and might do so to a greater extent than a normal protein on its own. BCAAs also increase synthesis of the cellular machinery responsible for carrying out the process of protein synthesis. Thus, BCAAs not only increase the rate of protein synthesis, but they also increase the cell's capacity for protein synthesis
BCAAs also work in your favor by reducing the rate of protein breakdown. They do this (primarily) by decreasing the activity of the components of the protein breakdown pathway, and also by decreasing the expression of several complexes involved in protein breakdown
BCAAs have even more positive benefits than reduced breakdown and increased protein synthesis. They might also help improve workout intensity BCAAs compete with the amino acid tryptophan for entry into the brain, where tryptophan can be converted to the neurotransmitter serotonin.
During exercise, serotonin levels rise and can increase the perception of fatigue—that means a less intense workout for you.
BCAA supplementation reduces the amount of tryptophan that enters the brain, and therefore reduces the amount of serotonin produced. This might allow you to work harder,longer.
New studies have shown that dieting groups supplementing with BCAAs (like leucine) increase muscle retention and maximize fat loss much more effectively than non-supplemented groups.
Best time to consume -
Intra Workout and in the morning prior to empty stomach running






Disclaimer: Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our statements and information have not necessarily been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client. Please treat this for Educational and Informational Purposes Only. 

the hap store@Ultimate Cycle Ride

CommentsSponsored EventsHow SaltStick Helped One Cyclist Eliminate Cramping...

SaltStick customer Glenn Shay, 64, of Phoenix, Ariz., before his week-long trip across the Southwest.

As endurance junkies, we always enjoy hearing the stories of physical challenges undertaken by our customers or sponsored athletes. Whether it be 100-mile ultramarathons or across-the-country bike rides, these stories of defying physical boundaries inspire us to push our own bodies as well.

On that note, we wanted to share a story with you from one of our customers. Recently, SaltStick Caps helped Glenn Shay, 64, of Phoenix, Ariz., complete a seven day bike ride across most of the Southwestern United States.

Disclaimer: Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our statements and information have not necessarily been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client. Please treat this for Educational and Informational Purposes Only. 

How SaltStick helped Glenn in his journey:

Before preparing for his 2015 ride, Glenn suffered from frequent cramping, both on and off the bike. Even “the simple action of moving the kitchen chair back” would result in seizing hamstrings, he said.

“It was common for me to have a calf, or hamstring, or quad leg cramp during the night waking me up begging for my wife to knead out the cramp,” Glenn said.

He had previously heard about SaltStick through training articles, but had never used any himself. Knowing that some athletes use SaltStick Caps to help reduce cramping, he decided to purchase some product “as a precautionary measure,” he said.

Two days into the ride, Glenn began to feel a twinge in his quads, which he had learned was a warning sign that a cramp was imminent. In response, he took two SaltStick Caps, and about 15 minutes later, he noticed the sensation had eased.

“I was very, very surprised,” he said.

From that point on, he took one SaltStick capsule per hour during his rides, and one additional capsule right before bed.

“I never experienced a single cramp during my tour,” Glenn said.

Now, SaltStick has become part of Glenn’s daily routine. He begins his rides with one SaltStick capsule and continues with one capsule per hour.

“I have not had any cramping during the night nor have I experienced any hamstring cramping as I'm sliding out the kitchen chair,” Glenn said. “I firmly believe that SaltStick eliminated my cramping. SaltStick is the only thing that I have added to my diet. Therefore I can confidently proclaim SaltStick works!”

We’re so thankful to Glenn for sharing his story with us, and we wish him best of luck when he takes on the Southern Tier again.

Third time's a charm, Glenn, and we’re rooting for you!









Marathon Runner


Preparing for a Cyclothon!!

It's an exaggeration to say that you are at the mercy of your vehicle, but keeping the cycle in mint condition is a pre-requisite. From a month before the big race, you need to check for cleanliness and lubrication every 2-3 days. On racing day, make sure the saddle is adjusted, the wheel screwed on tight, and the chain lubricated.

Simply pedalling around town won't make you fit enough to take on a longdrawn cyclothon, especially one that passes through ups & downs. First and foremost, you need to build cardiovascular endurance. This includes long slowdistance training, pace or tempo training, interval training, circuit training and fartlek training. A four-week-long training schedule before the race is advisable. Begin with a spell of 20 minutes a day and, as you get closer to the race, take it to three hours. Till two days before the race, keep the exercise minimal and focus on strategy.

About three to four hours before the competition, have a bowl of fresh fruit, bread, peanut butter. Other recommended foods are baked potatoes, energy bars, cereal with milk and yoghurt. An hour before the competition, have fresh fruit such as apples, watermelon, peaches or oranges and up to one cup of your favourite sports drink.
More on Nutrition Plan for Cyling.- Click Here


Disclaimer: Any product recommendation is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our statements and information have not necessarily been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client. Please treat this for Educational and Informational Purposes Only. 

The Story Of Cacao Nibs & Your Heart

For centuries, cacao has been known not only for its good taste but also for its proposed health effects. In fact the Incas considered it the ‘drink of gods’, an association that gave rise to the scientific name of the cocoa tree,Theobroma cacao, from the Greek words theo (god) and broma (drink).
In order to find the co-relation between cacao and heart health, lets look at an interesting study that was conducted on the Kuna Indians, a native population living on islands off the coast of Panama.
Scientists found that the Kuna Indians were a tribe that was naturally protected against, high blood pressure that is dependent on your age i.e as you age you are more likely to get blood pressure. But Kuna Indians did not show any sign of this disease.
On researching further the scientist found that the Kunas consume enormous amounts of cocoa daily and this would have been a major factor for them being resistant to “age related blood pressure”.
This was further proved, when a small group of Kuna Indians migrated to urban Panama City, where the home-prepared cocoa was replaced by other food with a lower flavanol content. This group no longer had the natural protection against “age related blood pressure.”
The cardiovascular benefits of cacao can be attributed to its high poly-phenol and antioxidant content.
Almost 70 – 90% of it gets destroyed when cacao undergoes intensive processing in order to get the finished chocolate.
Furthermore the addition of high amounts of sugar renders it to be a guilt trip rather than the super food that the core ingredient actually was.
So, how does it actually benefit the heart?
1. Improves Endothelial Function
The polyphenols in cacao induces the activation of nitric oxide which in turn leads to vasodilation. Reduced Nitric Oxide bio availability is associated with endothelial dysfunction and eventually cardiovascular disease.
2. Has Antioxidant Properties
Polyphenols in cacao exert strong antioxidant properties and protect against vasoconstriction and vascular damage.
3. Improves Platelet Function
The high flavanol content and stearic acid present in cacao have platelet inhibitory properties. This is significant because when platelets clump, a clot can form, and when the clot blocks a blood vessel, it can lead to a heart attack
4. Reduces Blood Pressure
Studies have shown that ingestion of cacao has anti-hypertensive effects, thus helping in reducing blood pressure levels.
5. Reduces Bad Cholesterol levels
Flavanol rich cacao lowers plasma levels of LDL and oxidized LDL (bad cholesterol, unhealthy) and increases HDL serum concentrations (good cholesterol, protective).
So, lets check out how to use and incorporate this “Heart Warrior” super food in your diet.
How To Incorporate Cacao Nibs In Your Daily Food ?
1. Cacao nibs are nature’s chocolate chips. Have them on their own for a handy, heart-healthy snack.
2. Add to your favorite trail mix or nut mix
3. Use them in deserts wherever you use chocolate chips or nuts.
4. Sprinkle on salad or smoothies for a healthy crunch
5. Grind them up and brew them along with coffee powder for added nutrition and flavor. (This will work only for filter coffee)
Priya Prakash
Naturally Yours!    


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We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client. Please treat this for Educational and Informational Purposes Only. 

Healthy Valentine Day!!

Valentine month  is going on and every one is busy buying various gifts to their valentines . valentine is day of romance ,love and it starts from your heart. Its most precious part of our body which works 24 x 7 hence we taken it granted. Recent studies have shows that 50 % of Indians are prone to heart disease .but good news is there are few key steps you need to follow to ensure your heart is “all is well”. Let this valentine exchange promise to your valentine to keep your heart healthy and young at even 60, by following some easy tips .
Stress and bad heart condition goes hand in hand. Stressful situations are accompanied by increase heart rate and blood pressure, which increase demand for oxygen. Additional demands leads to chest pain. When we are stressed our body release “adrenaline” a hormone which temporarily caused extra efforts for heart to pump and increase blood pressure and damage arteries ,so manage stress well by staying positive and inclusion exercise or laughter therapies.
Eat well balanced diet ,which means diet which will provides adequate nutrients to the body to maintain its functions. It include fresh fruits ,vegetables, complex carbohydrate, good quality protein , importantly improve fat intake by incorporating PUFA and MUFA (good fat) who are cardio protective like eat fish ,nuts and oil seeds and avoid bad fats that is saturated and trans fat which contributes to heart disease like butter, ghee, margarine ,organ meats etc. Keep changing your oil this will help you get all fats in different proportions
Always check on your weight, as excess weight leads high cholesterol, high blood pressure, risk of heart disease. The National Heart ,lung blood institute defines overweight having BMI >25 and obese having BMI > 30 . so be active eat healthy to keep your weight in normal range.
Smokers and drinkers  are prone to heart disease. It increases blood pressure ,leads to fatty plaque which leads to heart attack, hence quite smoking, stop alcohol
if you are diabetic ,then you are prone to heart disease, men are more at risk than women. Diabetic can suffer 3 time higher for heart disease.hence keep control on glucose levels
Exercise offers many health benefits like builds muscle,helps burn calories, helps control cholesterol, and makes arteries more flexible, It reduces risk of heart disease. Invest just 30 min of your day in physical activity for 4-5 days week. Simply go for walk with your special half, as they say two is company. Having regular dose of Exercise will keep you healthy for long time.
Excess blood pressure put extra efforts on heart to pump, may leads to headache, chest heavy ness, and heart disease. Keep track of your blood pressure if any changes immediately consult physician . control your bp by including exercise, healthy dietand stress free life.
To maintain healthy blood pressure, avoid using salt at the table and try adding less salt while cooking. 75% of sodium comes from packaged or restaurant food so choose healthy options while dining out
When shopping ,its a good idea to look at the label on food and drink packaging to see how many calories, how much of fat, salt and sugar in product contain. Reading label will give you a fair idea to choose healthy options.
so enjoy your valentine with your special one without breaking your heart


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We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client. Please treat this for Educational and Informational Purposes Only. 

How do I know if my weight is affecting my health?

How Much Should I Weigh?
People are often concerned about their weight because fashion trends and celebrities' physical appearances influence popular body-image ideals-but these ideals do not necessarily represent healthy weight ranges.
Since people usually increase their body fat when they gain weight, overweight often leads to health risks. However, not all weight gain represents excessive fat. Weight gain in bodybuilders, for example, is due to increases in muscle that is part of the body's lean mass, and there is no evidence that increased lean body mass is unhealthful. Similarly, weight gain during pregnancy is a natural and essential process for supporting fetal growth. Health concerns about overweight are actually concerns about the effects of excess body fat on disease or the risk of disease.
How do I know if my weight is affecting my health?
In 1998, a report containing the conclusions of a panel of health experts set guidelines for deciding when excess weight should be considered a health risk. They determined that three pieces of information were needed to decide whether weight loss should be recommended to improve current and future health:
Body weight compared to height
Waist circumference
Presence or risk of cardiovascular disease
Body weight compared to height
Health professionals currently use the Body Mass Index (BMI) to estimate the health risks associated with being overweight or underweight. BMI is calculated by one of the following methods:
BMI = weight in kilograms/(height in meters squared)
BMI = [weight in pounds/(height in inches squared )] x 703
Body Mass Index chart
You can also obtain a simple measurement of BMI using following chart. Find your height in the left-hand column, then follow the bottom row to the right until you reach your weight. From left to right, the four chart areas show the ranges of low, normal, high, and very-high BMI.

Body Mass Index values
The Body Mass Index is only one tool for assessing health risks associated with weight. To learn more, read this full article and see a health professional for a more precise assessment.
BMI Values:
18.5 or less: Low BMI (underweight)
18.5 to 24.9: Medium BMI (normal weight)
25 to 29.9: High BMI (overweight)
30 and above: Very-High BMI (obese)
Note: For a very muscular person, a high BMI does not necessarily indicate overweight, since the extra weight might be muscle, rather than fat.
Waist circumference
Abdominal fat has been recognized as the type of fat leading to the highest health risks compared with fat located elsewhere in the body. Waist circumference is considered a good indication of the amount of abdominal fat a person is carrying.
To measure waist circumference, the top of the upper-right hip bone (known as the iliac crest) is marked and a measuring tape is passed around the abdomen at this level. The tape should be snug but should not compress the skin, and the waist circumference measurement should be made at the end of a normal breath following exhalation.
Presence or risk of weight-related disease
People with weight-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, and those who have high risk for those diseases, may need to lose weight, even if they are only moderately overweight, in order to promote optimal health.
If you have been told you have coronary heart disease, symptomatic carotid artery disease, peripheral arterial disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm, type 2 diabetes, or sleep apnea, you are in the high-health-risk category for the purpose of determining whether you should lose weight. You are also in this category if you have any two or more of the following heart disease risk factors:
You are a male aged at least 45 years.
You are a female aged at least 55 years or you are a postmenopausal woman.
One or more members of your immediate family (parents or siblings) had premature severe heart disease. Premature means before age 55 in a male relative or before age 65 in a female relative. Severe heart disease means either a heart attack or sudden death assumed to be heart-related.
You are a cigarette smoker.
You have been told you have high blood pressure or you are taking antihypertensive medication.
You have high blood levels of LDL (low density lipoprotein or "bad") cholesterol.
You have low blood levels of HDL (high density lipoprotein or "good") cholesterol.
You have high blood levels of glucose (elevated fasting glucose).
Some less serious diseases are also related to excess weight, and overweight people with these diseases are usually advised to lose weight. These diseases include gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, stress incontinence, and gynecological problems such as excessive menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) and loss of menstrual periods (amenorrhea). Consult your healthcare provider to find out whether any other health problem you have is related to excess weight.
Who should lose weight to improve their health?
According to the report of the expert panel in 1998, people should lose weight if they fit any of the following descriptions using the above measures of weight, waist circumference, and health risks:
A BMI of 30 or above
A BMI of 25 or above in people with existing cardiovascular disease or other diseases associated with excess weight
A BMI of 25 or above in people with two or more heart disease risk factors
High-waist circumference (greater than 35 inches (88 cm) in women or 40 inches (102 cm) in men) in people with existing cardiovascular disease or other diseases associated with excess weight
High-waist circumference (greater than 35 inches (88 cm) in women or 40 inches (102 cm) in men) in people with two or more heart disease risk factors
Is focusing on weight loss the best way to address the health risks of excess weight?
Some authorities believe that too much public health emphasis is placed on losing excessive weight instead of focusing on the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, including diet, exercise habits, and other behaviors that reduce the risk of disease. They point out that not all obese people have increased health risks, and that weight-loss programs frequently fail in the long term, or result in only an insignificant amount of weight loss. At the same time, healthy lifestyle changes often result in a reduction in disease risk and other important health benefits, even if weight change is not impressive.


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We expressly disclaim responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided to you as the client. Please treat this for Educational and Informational Purposes Only. 

ths Team@Body Power expo - 2016

the hap store@Vision 2015 - At SIES College of Arts,Science and Commerce

the hap store@JSW 4th Sunil Verma Memorial Squash Championship - 2nd Dec - 6th Dec - 2015


Dandiya Delirium at J.J. Grant Medical College

Nutri - Talk Session By Ms.Shushila Sharangdhar@ HDFC Lower Parel - at HDFC Bank Limited

AVALANCHE - 2015 @ Thadomal Shahani Engineering College - Bandra

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Nutri - Talk Session Date 31st May 2015 By Ms.Shushila Sharangdhar @ Hap Store - Matunga

Store Ambassador - Amir Malik (TV Actor)

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Dr. Komal Hemnani

Diet is not only doing dieting.
But it is about eating right food at a right time with right amount. For eg. Eat small and Frequent meals, consuming smaller meal our body gets time to burn it n body gets nutrients out of it where as consuming larger meal it becomes difficult for body to digest it and maximum portion of it is stored as FAT.
-- Dr. Koml Hemnani - +91 7303 317 949


Hi friends as National Nutrition Week is celebrating everywhere in September, I Sneha starting blogs on nutrition, to begin with we need to know why nutrition is so important?  Since ages health care professionals are shouting to lead healthy lifestyle by including variety of good food, have adequate sleep and physical activity. But its  2015 and  still we are most negligent about our health, lots of news papers writing about food, nutrition but most of us ignore it as we feel we are fit.  First and foremost are we really healthy? As per WHO (world health organization) defined being healthy does not mean free from diseases because health is state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not just merely absence of disease or infirmity.  Therefore it’s very important to know what real definition of health As if we see today India is counteracting with two major health problems, one is “Malnutrition” and another is “chronic diseases”.
India is one of the fastest growing countries in terms of population and economics, though most of Indian population is under poverty level. Malnutrition is biggest obstacle for developing India, the 2011 Global Hunger Index (GHI) Report ranked India 15th, amongst leading countries with hunger situation. Malnutrition refers to the situation where there is an unbalanced diet in which some nutrients are in excess, lacking or in wrong proportion. Simply put, we can categories it to be under-nutrition and over-nutrition. Deficiencies in nutrition inflict long-term damage to both individuals and society.  Hence providing   “balance diet” is important since adequate nutrient are required to maintain body function and growth. Nutrition is foundation of development, it begins from conception, if expecting mother is not having adequate nutrients outcome of pregnancy is poor which we see in malnutrition vs. if mother over fed leads to again poor (overweight infant) outcome and its viscous life cycle followed throughout life.
Balance diet contains proper proportions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, roughage and water necessary to maintain good health. Include at least 5-6 servings of carbohydrates as they are source of energy for body. proteins are required for tissue repair and muscle building while fats helps cushioning organs ,low fat diets will always helpful. Minerals and vitamins required to prevent micronutrient deficiency occur due to less consumption of vitamins and mineral rich foods. Nutrient requirement vary from age, sex, work pattern, physical activity. An average person require nutrient to maintain health, while pregnant lady require adequate nutrient for her developing fetus as well as for her health, while children required nutrients for growth & physical development and in older requirement for nutrients affect by aging process, hence increases requirement of essential nutrients.
Last but not the list is physical activity which also plays important role in healthy lifestyle as do nutrition. Today people lacking in physical activity and inviting chronic diseases which can be control simply through diet and physical activity. It helps in improve stamina, increase concentration, improve metabolic rate and increases muscle mass, maintain weight and keep diseases at bay.
Ways to lead healthy lifestyle:
1.  Always have small & frequent 5-6 small meals with regular interval of 2-3 hours in day. Do not skip any meals, especially your breakfast.
2.  Include more vegetables and fruits in diet as they are good sources of vitamins and minerals as well as fiber, helps in weight loss and prevent micronutrient deficiencies.
3.  Adequately hydrate yourself, include 10-12 glasses of water in day, avoid excess tea and coffee
4.  Snack in between your meal, do not go hungry, snack on nuts, fruits or roasted chana as they give feeling of fullness.
5.  Get adequate sleep for at least 7-8 hours
6.  Do physical activity for at least 30 min/day.
7.  Portion control is very important.
8.  Last but not the list is always keep positive goal to stay healthy & fit rather than just losing weight.
As saying says “you are what you eat”, so choose wise and eat wise to lead healthy individual followed by healthy nation.

Strike right balance to stay healthy - Sneha Amabardekar Paranjpe@+91 9920 309 970

Natasha Pradhan